Microbial Informatics

Lecture 13

Patrick D. Schloss, PhD (microbialinformatics.github.io)
Department of Microbiology & Immunology


  • Homework 3 is out
  • Have posted some guide lines to follow for Project 1
  • For this Friday, the first hour of class will be a lecture
  • Read Introduction to Statistics with R (Chapter 6: Regression and correlation)
  • Start programming discussion next Thursday!


  • Type I Error (\(\alpha\)): Pr(detecting difference between groups) when they are drawn from the same distribution
  • Type II Error (\(\beta\)): Pr(not detecting difference between groups) when they are drawn from different distributions
  • Power (\(1-\beta\)) is dependent on:
    • Effect size
    • Number of individuals
    • Variation in data
    • \(\alpha\)
    • Statistical test

Learning objectives

  • How to compare more than two levels of a treatment
  • How to comapre two treatments, each with multiple levels
  • How about when the data are not normally distrubted?


  • Does the relative abundance of F. nucleatum vary between healthy people and those with adenomas or carcinoms?
  • Is there a difference in the weights of male and female mice when we account for their species?


  • Does the relative abundance of F. nucleatum vary between healthy people and those with adenomas or carcinoms?
    • One-way ANOVA: You have multiple groups or levels of a treatment and you want to know whether one of them is different
  • Is there a difference in the weights of male and female mice when we account for their species?
    • Mutliple-way ANOVA: You have multiple treatments with multiple groups / levels and you want to know whether one of them is different
  • These are really a type of regression, a topic we'll be covering over the course of the next few weeks

Let's do an experiment...

  • Imagine we go out and count the number of L. acidophilus CFUs/gram of feces from three groups of people (N=20) where each group is eating a different commercial yogurt

plot of chunk obs.data

Let's assume they all come from the same population

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Do they follow a normal distribution?

  • Mean (\(\mu\)): 6.7752
  • Standard deviation (\(\sigma\)): 1.3103

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Lets generate a model to explain the variation we see

  • We can create a model to explain the observed data:

\[x_{ij}=\mu + \alpha_{i}+ \epsilon_{ij}\]

  • \(x_{ij}\) is the jth observed value in group i
  • \(\mu\) is the mean of all observed values (6.7752)
  • \(\alpha_{i}\) is the effect size for group i
  • \(\epsilon_{ij}\) is the error associated with the observed value
  • What do you think the null hypothesis is?

Lets generate a model to explain the variation we see

  • The null hypothesis is that the effect sizes are all zero:

\[\alpha_{i} = 0\]

\[\alpha_{A} = \alpha_{B} = \alpha_{C} = 0\]

  • If any of the \(\alpha\) values are not zero, then the null hypothesis should be rejected

How do we fit the model?

  • We want to partition the variation we see in the data...

\[x_{ij} = \bar{\bar x} + (\bar x_i - \bar{\bar x}) + (x_{ij} - \bar x_i)\]

  • This says that the value we observed in treatment i is the sum of the overall mean across all data plus the variation due to the treatment plus the variation due to random noise.

How do we fit the model?

  • The total variation in the data, the Sum Squared Difference is:

\[SSD_{total} = \sum(x_{ij} - \bar x)^2\]

  • The question posed by the model then is can we parition this total variation into factors we can explain, such as the three treatment groups
    • Variation between treatments
    • Unexplained variation / variation within treatments
  • Which source of variation is bigger? (what does that mean?)

How do we fit the model?

\[x_{ij} = \bar{\bar x} + (\bar x_i - \bar{\bar x}) + (x_{ij} - \bar x_i)\]

  • The terms in parentheses can be collapsed into sums of variation:

\[SSD_{between} = \sum n_i (\bar x_i - \bar{\bar x})^2\] \[SSD_{within} = \sum \sum (x_{ij} - \bar x_i)^2\] \[SSD_{total} = \sum \sum (x_ij - \bar{\bar x})^2\]

Mean squared error

  • The \(SSD_{between}\) and \(SSD_{within}\) will both explain some fraction of the total variance, but we need to normalize that variance for the degrees of freedom
    • \(df_{total}\): N-1
    • \(df_{between}\): K-1
    • \(df_{within}\): N-K
  • This gives us the following mean square error terms: \[MS_{between} = SSD_{between} / (K-1)\] \[MS_{within} = SSD_{within} / (N-K)\]

How to test the significance of the differences in MS values:


  • F > 1 indicate there is more variation between groups than within groups
  • F <= 1 indicate there is as much variation or more within groups than between groups
  • Can test significance of F using the F distribution (i.e. pf) with \(df_{between}\) and \(df_{within}\) degrees of freedom looking for values above the 95th percentile for significance

Let's run the numbers

x.doublebar <- mean(c(a, b, c))
x.bar <- apply(cbind(a,b,c), 2, mean)
n.i <- apply(cbind(a,b,c), 2, length)

ssd.between <- sum(n.i*(x.bar-x.doublebar)^2)
ssd.within <- sum((rbind(a,b,c)-x.bar)^2)
ssd.total <- sum((c(a,b,c)-x.doublebar)^2)
df.between <- 3-1
df.within <- length(c(a,b,c))-3
ms.between <- ssd.between / df.between
ms.within <- ssd.within / df.within
F <- ms.between / ms.within
P <- 1-pf(F, df.between, df.within)

We get an F statistic of 51.6547 with 2 and 87 degrees of freedom and a P-value of 1.5543 × 10-15.

An easier way?

  • R has many many options for performing model fits with all sorts of complexities. We first need to get our data into a single vector with another vector to annotate which group each datum belongs to:
groups <- c(rep("A", length(a)), rep("B", length(b)), rep("C", length(c)))
data <- c(a, b, c)

An easier way?

  • We can then model the data using the lm command (think: linear model):
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: data
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)    
## groups     2   83.0    41.5    51.6 1.6e-15 ***
## Residuals 87   69.9     0.8                    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • Earlier we had an F statistic of 51.6547 with 2 and 87 degrees of freedom and a P-value of 1.5543 × 10-15.

Recall our null hypothesis?

\[\alpha_{A} = \alpha_{B} = \alpha_{C} = 0\]

So you get back a small p-value, what does that mean?

  • Tests of comparisons
    • Planned comparisons <- orthoganal comparisons, a priori hypotheses
    • Unplanned comparisons <- tukey's hsd, post hoc analyses
    • All possible comparisons <- what's wrong with this approach?
  • Strategy:
    • Do all possible T-tests between levels of your treatment
    • Correct alpha for multiple comparisons (e.g. Bonferroni)

So which \(\alpha\) is significantly different?

pairwise.t.test(data, groups)
##  Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD 
## data:  data and groups 
##   A       B      
## B 2.6e-13 -      
## C 0.9     3.0e-13
## P value adjustment method: holm
  • A and B are significantly different from C, but not each other.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

Non-parametric test: Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test

kruskal.test(x=data, g=factor(groups))
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  data and factor(groups)
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 50.23, df = 2, p-value = 1.236e-11

Two-way ANOVA

  • Model with replication allows you to look at interactions

\[x_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \alpha\beta_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijk}\]

  • Model without replication prevents you from looking at interactions

\[x_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}\]

  • Calculations get tricky if you have an unbalanced design
  • Results get tricky if interaction term is significant

An example: Without the interaction term

metadata <- read.table(file="wild.metadata.txt", header=T, row.names=1)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: metadata$Weight
##               Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## metadata$SP    1     18    17.9    0.99   0.32
## metadata$Sex   1     39    38.7    2.13   0.15
## Residuals    108   1964    18.2

An example: With the interaction term

## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: metadata$Weight
##                           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## metadata$SP                1     18    17.9    0.98   0.33
## metadata$Sex               1     39    38.7    2.11   0.15
## metadata$SP:metadata$Sex   1      0     0.2    0.01   0.92
## Residuals                107   1964    18.4


between <- var(c(a.mean, b.mean, c.mean))
within <- mean(c(var(a), var(b), var(c)))
power.anova.test(groups = 3, n = 30, between.var = between, within.var = within, 
    sig.level = 0.05)
##      Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation 
##          groups = 3
##               n = 30
##     between.var = 1.383
##      within.var = 0.8029
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 1
## NOTE: n is number in each group


between <- var(c(6, 6, 6.5))
power.anova.test(groups = 3, n = NULL, between.var = between, within.var = within, 
    power = 0.8, sig.level = 0.05)
##      Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation 
##          groups = 3
##               n = 47.43
##     between.var = 0.08333
##      within.var = 0.8029
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8
## NOTE: n is number in each group
