Microbial Informatics

Lecture 29

Patrick D. Schloss, PhD (microbialinformatics.github.io)
Department of Microbiology & Immunology


  • Final project (due 12/16/2014)
    • Should be a program that others can use to do something useful (I have ideas if you need one, but really...)
    • Would be smart to include a test file
    • Create a public repository with documentation in README file and license
  • Will have class on Friday, but not next Tuesday


  • We've talked a lot about the R programming language and how we can do it to do useful things and help with our analyses
  • The tools you have now will enable you to do many many things
  • TDD is a software development process that results in a rapid development cycle

Learning objectives

  • Variable scoping
  • Software licensing

Variable scoping

  • To this point we've largely ignored the issue of where our variables live and where they're "allowed to go"
  • This has to do with a concept of variable scoping and the various environments that are used within R

Consider this example...


getRevComp <- function(sequence){
    rev.sequence <- paste(rev(unlist(strsplit(sequence, ""))), collapse="")
    comp.rev.sequence <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG", rev.sequence)
  • Where can dna be used?
  • Where can getRevComp be used?
  • Where can rev.sequence be used?

What happens if...

getRevComp <- function(sequence){
    rev.sequence <- paste(rev(unlist(strsplit(sequence, ""))), collapse="")
    comp.rev.sequence <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG", rev.sequence)
    print(dna, "")  <----

What happens if...

## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'rev.sequence' not found

What happens if...

getRevComp <- function(sequence){
    rev.sequence <- paste(rev(unlist(strsplit(sequence, ""))), collapse="")
    comp.rev.sequence <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG", rev.sequence)
    dna <- comp.rev.sequence


What's happening locally?

## [1] "dna"        "encoding"   "getRevComp" "inputFile"

Quick summary

  • At the time getRevComp is created, there are the objects rev.sequence and comp.rev.sequence created within getRevComp, plus those objects from the environment getRevComp is sitting in, namely dna
  • But it is important to note that the reverse is not true. The outermost environment is not affected by what goes on inside getRevComp (e.g. dna was n ot changed). This means that functions have no side effects
  • So you can have name conflicts between the objects within and outside your functions, but this is generally not a good idea. Sometimes people will use l_ as a prefix on all variables within a function.
  • Upshot is that objects exist within a heirarchy

How do we write up the heirarchy?

  • As we've seen we can only read variables from up the heirarchy. We can't write variables up the heirarchy
  • Unless we use the superassignment (<<-) operator
getRevComp <- function(sequence){
    rev.sequence <- paste(rev(unlist(strsplit(sequence, ""))), collapse="")
    comp.rev.sequence <- chartr("ATGC", "TACG", rev.sequence)
    dna <<- comp.rev.sequence

Should you use the superassignment operator?

  • This creates global variables, which are controversial
  • Problems caused by potential side effects and difficulty debugging code
  • Benefits are that they can make the code easier to read/write
  • Be careful


  • A legally-binding agreement which governs the use and redistribution of software
  • Can range from being proprietary (e.g. M$ Windows/OS X) to open source (e.g. Linux/R)
  • You need a license

Cost of code

  • Can be $$$ or free (as in speech) or free (as in beer)
  • Beer
    • No cost
    • No expectations of how used
    • Source code not necessarily open (e.g. Java)
  • Speech
    • Free to use as you want
    • Free to see how it works
    • Free to distribute how you'd like
    • Free to improve

Why do you need a license on your code?

  • "Unlicensed code is closed code, so any open license is better than none"
  • If you want others to see and use your code (which is why you're doing it), then you need a license
  • Once you select a license, include it with your code - GitHub will provide you with a license
  • You generally want to use a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) license
  • You do not necessarily lose copywright protecton

Use a GNU Public License (GPL)-compatible license

  • GPL License
  • Guarantees the freedom of users to use, copy, and modify code
  • Copyrights are maintained
  • May charge for software or (re)distribute for free
  • May only be combined with other code that uses GPL

Use a permissive, BSD/MIT-style license

  • BSD/MIT licenses are compatible with a GPL license
  • Copyrights are maintained
  • May be combined with code using any other license
  • Easier for others (including commercial companies) to incorporate your work
  • Minimal difference between BSD and MIT licenses


  • Reproducible research is critical to doing good science
  • Making data analysis scripts and other code open is critical to reproduciblity
  • R is a great tool for doing your analysis

Going forward

  • Learn another language (Python)
  • Datbases (SQL)
  • Evangelize to your labmates and PI
    • Use collaborative features within GitHub
    • Develop and distribute your code
    • Work on another groups prooject
